The Chair of Public Law headed by Professor Philippe Cossalter, who succeeded Professor Christien Autexier in 2010, has published two introductory manuals on the law of the other country: Introduction au droit public allemand en langue française (Introduction to german public law in french language) and Einführung in das französische Recht (Introduction to french law).
This textbook published by the former holder of the chair Prof. Christian Autexier gives a comprehensive overwiev on german public law in French language. It has been edited by the renowned french academic editor PUF.
This textbook published by the current holder of the Chair Prof. Philippe Cossalter in collaboration with the holder of the chair of French Civil Law and Applied Comparative Law, Prof. Julien Dubarry aims at introducing german students to French law as a whole.
Bijus, founded by former chair Prof. Autexier, is a German-French academic legal database linking almost 10,000 articles on the law of the other country. In addition, almost 100 synoptic translations of legal texts are available via the database. BIJUS has proven to be a valuable tool to research on french and german comparative law.
Revue générale du droit
Prof. Cossalter is the founder of the Revue générale du droit, a french pluridisciplinary law journal available online in an open-acess format. The journal publishes a selected number of articles written by renowned academic scholars mostly in French language. Main topics covered are french and comparative public law, especially administrative law, as well as all points of legal interests related to the digital transformation of societies and public action. The journal also proposes online and freely accessible versions of well-known manuals in french law, as well as a selection of thesis and re-editions. Read more on the dedicated page of the journal’s homepage (french language).
French Yearbook of public law
Prof. Cossalter is Co-founder and deputy director of the French Yearbook of public law, an open-acess law journal on french and international law presented in English. The Yearbook aims to present research about french public law in English and to offer a french perspective on hot topics in comparative and international law.