Professors Cossalter and Giorgio Mancosu (University of Cagliari) have published an article entitled “The impact of digital technology on the theory of administrative acts, between adaptations and ruptures”. The article is part of a book edited by Luca Belli and Gilles Guglielmi that brings together the proceedings of an international conference held at the Université Paris Panthéon-Assas (formerly Paris 2) in 2021.
The purpose of this article is to present a summary (approximately 60,000 characters) of the impact of digital technology on the doctrine of unilateral administrative acts, mainly in France, Germany and Italy.
After providing essential terminological clarifications on the concepts of electronic and digital administrative acts, the authors analyse the legal literature on the drafting of administrative acts and the supervision of such acts. While the questions that arise are obviously similar from one country to another, the answers given are very diverse. In this respect, the doctrine and case law of the Italian administrative courts provide an example of a highly developed approach, even if the modalities of effective control have yet to be invented.