Chair for French Public Law
Chair for French Public Law
The Chair of French Public Law at Saarland University is part of the Centre juridique franco-allemand (Franco-German Law Center) (
Its current holder is Philippe Cossalter, agrégé des factultés de droit.
The Chair for French Public Law and the Chair for French Private Law are unique institutions in Germany and perhaps in Europe. They are occupied by French professors, whose task is to teach French law, in French, to students of the Center.
In addition to teaching activities, the Chair of French Public Law is involved in research and publications.
One of the Chair’s missions is to administer the BIJUS project, initiated by the previous Chairholder Professor Christian Autexier.
As a sign of the strong attachment to legal informatics that marks the activity of the Chairholder the Chair for French Public Law has also created and runs the Revue générale du droit ( and supports the edition of the French Yearbook of Public Law.
The website of the Franco-German Law Centre ( contains a great deal of information about the teaching activities of the two Chairs. This website is intended to present the research activities and publications of the Chair.


Public Contracts and Data
New publication: Public contracts and data The work edited by Maximilien Lanna and Emmanuel Py with a contribution from Professor Philippe Cossalter has been published by Mare & Martin. In his article, the holder of the Chair of French Public Law at...

Chronicle about german administrative law
Together with Dr. Maria Kordeva, I have published a chronicle on german administrative law in the renowned journal "Droit administratif" [Administrative Law]. We have chosen decisions that provide an in-depth look at a technical issue of German administrative law or...

The impact of digitalisation on the legal theorie of administrative acts
Professors Cossalter and Giorgio Mancosu (University of Cagliari) have published an article entitled "The impact of digital technology on the theory of administrative acts, between adaptations and ruptures". The article is part of a book edited by Luca Belli and...

First issue of the new review “French Yearbook of Public Law”
The first issue of the French Yearbook of Public Law is now available free of charge at The Yearbook contains a selection of English-language articles on legal challenges posed by global warming, as well as columns on current legal issuel in various European countries…

Conference on constitutional semiotics
On Thursday 2 November 2023, the French Chair of Public Law had the honour of welcoming Professor Martin Belov from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" to a conference held as part of the Transform4Europe cooperation. Professor Belov gave a lecture on...

Presentation of Anne Jacquemet-Gauché’s book on German administrative law
On 19 October 2022, Professor Cossalter took part in the presentation of Anne Jacquemet-Gauché's book Droit administratif allemand [German administrative law], published by Presses universitaires de France in 2022. The presentation of the book took place in the...

Controlling the State in the Digital Era
The scientific directors wish to publish a book entitled “Controlling the State in the Digital Era”.
The publication of the book is planned for autumn 2022, in English and incidentally in French.
Two days of seminars are planned for 23 and 24 June 2022 at the University of Lorraine (Metz), as part of the 3rd Printemps Droit et Numérique.
These days will allow for the discussion of the articles submitted for publication, in English and French. The articles will have been submitted three weeks before the event for collective reading.

German public law facing the Coronavirus
Professor Philippe Cossalter had the honour of participating in the virtual conference Droit et coronavirus. Le droit face aux circonstances exceptionnelles. This virtual colloquium is hosted by the Revue des droits et libertés fondamentaux. Professor Cossalter,...

Second Administrative Law Talks
Thursday 3 December at 4.30pm On Zoom and only on individual registration Participation is free of charge. Registration within the limits of the places available on the registration form. Certificate of participation issued to lawyers for continuing education purposes...

First Administrative Law Talks on 8 May 2020 at 4 pm
First Administrative Law Talks Friday 8 May at 4 pm On Zoom and only on individual registration Participation is free of charge. Registration limited to 100 participants on the registration form. Certificate of participation issued to lawyers for continuing education...