Chair for French Public Law
Chair for French Public Law
The Chair of French Public Law at Saarland University is part of the Centre juridique franco-allemand (Franco-German Law Center) (
Its current holder is Philippe Cossalter, agrégé des factultés de droit.
The Chair for French Public Law and the Chair for French Private Law are unique institutions in Germany and perhaps in Europe. They are occupied by French professors, whose task is to teach French law, in French, to students of the Center.
In addition to teaching activities, the Chair of French Public Law is involved in research and publications.
One of the Chair’s missions is to administer the BIJUS project, initiated by the previous Chairholder Professor Christian Autexier.
As a sign of the strong attachment to legal informatics that marks the activity of the Chairholder the Chair for French Public Law has also created and runs the Revue générale du droit ( and supports the edition of the French Yearbook of Public Law.
The website of the Franco-German Law Centre ( contains a great deal of information about the teaching activities of the two Chairs. This website is intended to present the research activities and publications of the Chair.
Emergency administrative law and pandemic risk management
Professor Cossalter will participate on 20 April 2020 in an Italian language conference organised by the LUM University in Bari, Puglia. Due to the travel restrictions in effect throughout Europe, this event is taking place virtually and will be provided through the...
Lecture by Professor Antoine Pantelis, 20 November 2019
At the invitation of the Chair of French Public Law, Professor Antoine Pantelis will give a lecture on 20 November 2019. The lecture will take place from 16:30 to 17:30 in room 0.22 of the Faculty of Law of Saarland University. It will present the author's book:...
Cycle of conferences: The administration facing the challenges of new technologies
The Plenipotentiary for European Affairs of Saarland and the Franco-German Legal Centre are organising a series of lectures in Brussels at the Representation of Saarland to the EU in Brussels, Rue du Luxembourg 15, 1000 Brussels, B The first lecture will take place on...
LUE Impact Digitrust: award of the thesis grant “The digital administrative act
The IMPACT DIGITRUST programme has awarded funding to the thesis project presented by Pierre Tifine (University of Lorraine) and Philippe Cossalter (Associate Member of IRENEE; University of Saarland) on the theme "The digital administrative act". The winner is...
Speech at the 3rd Cagliari Days of Administrative Law
Professor Cossalter spoke at the third Cagliaritan Days of Administrative Law (Giornata cagliaritana di Studi amministrativici) dedicated to local self-government on Friday 9 November 2018. Professor Cossalter's intervention was dedicated to the theme of the return of...
Two theses in cotutelle with the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2)
The Chair of French Public Law of the University of Saarland and the Centre for Comparative Public Law of the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2) welcome two new PhD students for two co-supervised theses. Felix Schubert, The State party to arbitration: comparison...
Introduction to German Public Law – International University of Tunis
Lyn Paula Fischer, scientific collaborator of the Chair of French Public Law, will give a 15-hour course on Introduction to German Public Law from Monday 3 to Thursday 6 April 2017. This course, taught in French, is one of the key elements of the future LL.M....
Contractualisation in Public Law: Review and Perspectives
On 23 March 2017, Prof. Dr. Philippe Cossalter spoke at the colloquium "La contractualisation en droit public: Bilan et perspectives" at the University of Lille. The theme of his speech was "Models of contractualisation". Programme Jeudi 23 mars 2017 Après-midi 14H |...
French administrative law confronted with modernity (course in Italian)
On 29 and 30 November 2016, Professor Cossalter will give two lectures in a comparative law seminar entitled "Il diritto amministrativo francese a raffronto con la modernità". This seminar is provided on the occasion of a trip to the University of Cagliari (Università...
27 October 2016: French presidential primary elections
Dr Didier Girard, Senior Lecturer at SciencesPo Paris and Scientific Collaborator at the Chair of French Public Law will give a lecture on 27 October 2016 on the topic: "Primary elections in the French presidential election". Thursday 27 October 2016, 5 p.m., Salle...